My Journey of Discovering God
Growing up, I always knew about God, but I didn’t really understand who He was. To me, He was simply the creator—the one who made the world and answered prayers when I needed something. My connection to Him was distant, almost like an acquaintance I’d call upon in times of trouble, but never really got to know. It was a relationship rooted in the need for answers, not in the fullness of His presence.
As I grew older, though, something began to shift. I started realizing that God wasn’t just a distant entity waiting to be called upon. He wasn’t just a figure I approached when I needed something fixed in my life. He was more than that. And that’s when my journey of understanding began.
I started to discover God as a friend, not a distant figure. He began to feel real to me, not just in the words of prayers or in the stories of others. He started speaking to me; not in a loud, booming voice but in the stillness of my heart, in the quiet moments when everything else was silent. It was then I realized: God is not just out there somewhere. He is here, within me, beside me, guiding me every single day. He is not someone I pray to when I need help; He is a constant presence in my life, walking with me through every joy and every sorrow.
I began to feel the protection of God in ways I never had before. In moments of doubt or fear, I started to hear His voice; not in words, but in a deep, undeniable sense of peace. In moments when I thought I couldn’t go on, I felt His guidance; leading me, helping me find my way through the darkness.
It was through this relationship with Him that I learned how He is not just the creator, but a constant companion. God doesn’t just answer prayers, He listens, He protects, He guides. He doesn’t need to be understood in the traditional sense; He needs to be felt, to be experienced in the quietest moments, in the depths of our souls.
And so, to you reading this, I pray you find your onions. I pray you realize that the Father loves you, deeply and without reservation. He is your friend, your protector, your guide; ready to walk with you through life, whether you understand Him or not. Because His love is not something we earn, it is something we receive, simply by opening our hearts to His presence. May you feel Him with you, always.
With love,
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