Hi, I'm Neta. I write about human connection, spirituality, and well-being and craft compelling copy. As an introvert, I document moments from my own life through photography. Welcome to my creative space.

Featured Articles

The Deep Embrace: My Journey into the Ocean of Love

As I sit outside, the stars twinkling above me, I feel the pull of the night sky. It's like love is calling me, urging me to dive deeper into my own heart. I've always been scared to go too deep, afraid of what I might find. But I've come to see that love isn't just a feeling; it's a choice. It's choosing to be open, to be vulnerable, and to stay in the moment.The past no longer holds me back. Instead, I'm pushed forward by hope and endless possibilities. In the ocean of love, I've found amazing...

“You can make anything by writing.”

C. S. Lewis